Photos Of Musalia Mudavadi’s Multimillion Karen Home That Was Allegedly Funded By Chief Hustler DP Ruto


Musalia Mudavadi is among the soft spoken political leaders in the country and has been in politics since 1989.

At the age of 29 years only, Mudavadi was elected unopposed as the Member of Parliament for Sabatia Constituency. Currently he is the leader of the Amani National Congress political party.

Another interesting thing about Mudavadi is that he is the shortest serving Vice president  in the country. The late retired president Daniel Arap Moi appointed him as VP  from November 4,200 to January 3,2003.

Away from politics, the leader is said to be wealthy with a net worth of Kshs 30 billion.

From the numerous properties he owns, the leader is also a proud owner of multi million homes. He has two homes in Nairobi and one in Mululu, Sabatia constituency in Vihiga which serves as his rural home.

Today we have a look at his Karen home that was allegedly financed by DP William Ruto according to COTU secretary general Francis Atwoli.

Photos Musalia Mudavadi's Posh Karen Home That Was Allegedly Funded By Chief Hustler DP Ruto
one of the houses in Mudavadi’s compound

Atwoli made the allegations after Mudavadi and his colleague, Moses Wetang’ula decided to work with Deputy President William Ruto under the Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

The home that was under construction in 2019 costs Kshs300 million. Atwoli claimed that Mudavadi had no permanent job or known businesses thus raising questions about the source of his finances that funded such a project.

“As Francis Atwoli, I can account for everything that I have, considering everything that I own is out of my hard-earned allowances and wages. Where does Musalia, who is not employed, not an industrialist nor with a known business, get his money other than engaging in political conmanship using his kiosk ANC party,” Atwoli said while in Kilifi.

Mudavadi poses for a photo with his guests in fron of his mansion

The house also came into the limelight in 2019 when three construction workers died at the site. According to Mudavadi, the workers died after taking an unknown concoction. Several others survived the incident.

DP Ruto paid Musalia a visit at his Karen home.

The multi million home stands on a large piece of land and has several mansions in the compound that is surrounded with a perimeter wall with razor wire at the top.

Photos Musalia Mudavadi's Posh Karen Home That Was Allegedly Funded By Chief Hustler DP Ruto
Mudavadi and a guest posing for a photo at his compound.

The houses are fully furnished with features of French and Mediterranean styles aside from fixed windows.

Photos Musalia Mudavadi's Posh Karen Home That Was Allegedly Funded By Chief Hustler DP Ruto
The interior design of Mudavadi’s Karen house

Walls are painted with pale cream and brown. The compound has a green lawn that is well taken care of. The home is also complete with a gazebo where  holds discussions with leaders who visit him.

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