ODM Reacts To Court Ruling On Housing Levy


The court of Appeal on Friday ordered the government to halt house deduction levy until cases before it are heard and determined.

The three-bench judge comprising of Justices Lydia Achode, John Mativo and Mwaniki Gachoka, upheld the High Court’s decision of suspending the levy, that has attracted opposition and support in equal measures.

“This is because if the stay sought is granted at the stage, should we affirm the challenged decision, then some far-reaching decisions that will have been undertaken pursuant to the challenged laws may not be reversible.

“Public interest in our view tilts favour of in not granting the stay or the suspension sought,”the judges said in their ruling.

Following the ruling, Raila Odinga-led party ODM has rejoiced saying that it is a victory for Kenyans.

“We thank the Court of Appeal for standing with tyre people of Kenya on the controversial issue of Housing Levy. This is victory for Kenyans,” the party stated on X


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