Nyeri Women Rep Refers Raila As ‘Monkey’, Says Kikuyus Are ‘Stupid’ To Attend His Rallies 


Nyeri Women Rep Rahab Mukami has vowed to reverse Raila’s gains in Mt. Kenya while taking a swipe at Kikuyus for according the ODM leader a warm welcome.

Mukami is among several Tangatanga politicians who have come out to express their frustrations with Raila’s visit to Mt. Kenya region.

Raila caused political earthquake during his tour of mount Kenya and now William Ruto’s allies from the region are in a panic mode.

The DP allies from mount Kenya had been perpetrating Railaphobia and creating the notion that the former Prime Minister is not welcomed in the region.

However, on Sunday and Monday Raila pulled mammoth crowds during his rallies in different towns in Nyeri, Murang’a and Kiambu counties.

Tangatanga allies are still wondering how and why Raila is receiving heroic welcome in the Mt Kenya region, even though Ruto has been camping there for at least 7 years.

Speaking on Wednesday September 29th during the burial of Mzee Kaguchia – father of Nyeri County Speaker John Kaguchia – Rahab Mukami said Raila confused residents in Nyeri during his visit.

Mukami referred Raila as a ‘monkey’ and said people who attended his rallies are shallow while explaining how the ODM leader attracted mammoth crowds.

“Juzi muliona vile kulikua kule Norumoru, Chaka na Karatina. Lakini naibu wa rais nataka kukuhakikishia kitu moja, unaona vile hawa watu wamekaa hapa wakiskia kuna monkey iko pale imeenda kukula ndizi wote wataamka kukimbia kuona hio monkey. Na unajua watu wa Nyeri county wamekua wakiskia jina Baba na unajua sisi wakati tulikua tunalewa sisi tunajua baba ni Mungu wa mbinguni,” said Rahab Mukami.

The Nyeri Women Rep further promised to take Ruto to a tour of the region to reverse Raila’s gain that he made during his visit.


Related: Bonny Khalwale Admits Raila Is Most Preferred Presidential Candidate, Asks Mudavadi To Join Ruto’s Camp


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