Nsansimana Elie, Boy Who Was Called Monkey, Gets Enrolled in School


21-year old Nsansimana Elie from the Southern province of Rwanda has finally been enrolled in a school to learn some surviving knowledge.

Elie had been the laughing stock of his village and was a subject to bullying because of his looks. His villagemates referred to him as a monkey or gorilla.

Elie was born different. He does not not speak and can not attend a normal school  because of his intellectual capacity. The doctors he can not be able to concentrate in class.

His nature forced him to spend most of his time in the forest.

The 21-year old’s fortune changed after his story was aired by a Rwandan TV station, Afrimax, in February. The story touched many peoples’ hearts who came to his rescue.

Afrimax reports that the boy was enrolled at Ubumwe Community Center (UCC), in Gisenyi, Rwanda.

The center serves more than 400 adults and children with counselling, primary education, vocational training and workshop employment. At the institution, Elie will have access to daily meals as opposed to his earlier life in the jungle. He will also learn how to stay with people after spending a lot of time in the forest.

The well-wishers also built his mother a decent house.

Elie was born in 1999 after his mother lost her first five children.

During the interview with Afrimax, she said that she had lost hope of ever becoming a mother when she was blessed with Elie.

She said that she had prayed to God to give her a child even if he/she was a disabled one.

Elie and his mom

“Elie is my sixth child. My other five children died. After the death of his elders, we were desperate. We prayed to God to get another kid and fortunately, we were blessed with Elie. Now I cherish him as heaven’s gift from God and love him enormously,” the mother said.

The mother knew that his son was different after birth since he had a smaller head and unusual facial features.

His mother was unable to enroll him in a school because he could not communicate and due to his learning difficulties.

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