Mudavadi’s Ally Cleophas Malala Proves That He Loves Raila And Hates Ruto


Ruto’s key ally Kakamega governor Cleophas Malala on Thursday proved that he loves Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Amollo Odinga and the Azimio coalition.

While urging Kakamega residents to make him their governor, Cleophas Malala played Raila’s Lero ni Lero song which is so far the most popular campaign song not only in Western region but also in the whole country.

By Cleophas Malala playing Raila’s famous song, he was indirectly campaigning for him since whenever the song is played in the Kenyan political scene, it is Raila Odinga and Azimio that usually comes to mind.

In fact, Raila Odinga has gone to the extent of shooting a video with the artist of Lero ni Lero song Mr. Emmanuel Musindi. Even from the comment sections, everyone was thanking the Kakamega senator for playing Raila’s song on his facebook page and ensuring that his fans think of Azimio.

“The only thing I love in this post is the Lero ni Lero background song because it brings back full memories of Raila Odinga in his Azimio rallies. Thanks Mr. Malala for communicating to your followers indirectly. Now they know where your heart is politically.” Said Wycklyfe Wanyama.

“Atleast you now know that your message in Kakamega can only sell if you associate with Raila. Now I understand why you are playing his song.” Wrote Dancun Simiyu.

Another one said: “Malala loves this Azimio song more than he loves himself. Thanks mheshimiwa for proving your love for baba Raila Amollo Odinga. If i were you i would defect to Azimio today.”

In the meantime, all has not been well for the Kakamega senator Mr. Cleophas Malala a few days after he joined deputy president William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

Despite being popular in Kakamega politics some months back, Cleophas Malala’s popularity is quickly coming to an end with all the major aspirants ranking above him.

A recent opinion poll conducted by Mizani Africa revealed  Boni Khalwale leading with 33.4%, followed by Mr. Fernandes Barasa at 33.1%, followed by MP Ayub Savula at 14% then a distant fourth is Mr. Cleophas Malala with only  12.3%.

Cleophas Malala was at the forefront of leading his Amani national Congress (ANC) party to William Ruto’s side. According to Malala who spoke before joining Ruto, him together with Musalia Mudavadi were ready to look for new friends in TangaTanga.

He also urged Mr. Mudavadi to look for new friends beyond his then One Kenya Alliance (OKA) outfit which is composed of Wiper boss kalonzo Musyoka and  KANU boss Gideon Moi. “Looking for friends within and beyond OKA is the most viable route for @anc_party. Ama aje @KBonimtetezi?” Tweeted the senator.

Speaking recently at Ruto’s Eldoret event, Cleophas Malala also hinted that they would dump OKA when he stated that they would allow Mudavadi to seek friendship with other Kenyans including Ruto during its National Delegates Convention, which was held on January 23.

According to the senator, his attendance of Ruto’s Eldoret rally was based on the stand by party leader Musalia Mudavadi that everyone was at liberty to mingle with anybody. As a result, he added that he was speaking for the whole Luhya nation at the deputy president’s rally.

“Ruto appeared at my football tournament in Mumias recently and I was passing through the Eldoret Airport and heard that he has an event here. I decided to come and greet him,” Malala said.

Cleophas Malala also took a swipe at the Orange Democratic Movement leader raila Odinga and cursed him, claiming that he will be the fifth opposition leader and not the fifth president.

“They are calling him the 5th but let me tell them that he will fail terribly.” He said.

In the meantime, Former sports cabinet secretary (CS) Rashid Echesa revealed how Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala ate DP William Ruto’s millions of money.

While speaking to a local media station, Rashid Echesa gave a blow by blow account of how the Kakamega senator took money from the second in command in a bid to use the same to build a house.

The former cabinet secretary detailed how he took money from the deputy president on several occasions and gave it to Mr. Cleophas Malala. 

At first, the Kakamega senator had bought land and did not have money to build a house. As a result, Malala sent Echesa to request Ruto some money which the deputy president gave out in batches of 3 million, 2.5 million and 1.5 million respectively.

Below was the full statement by Mr. Echesa incriminating Cleophas Malala:

“Cleophas anasimama anajifanya anatukana naibu wa rais anasema naibu wa rais ni mwizi. Ndugu yangu unajua sometimes i look at these leaders and i fail to understand them. 

“I didn’t want to be personal but since you have brought up this topic, let me discuss it once and for all I will never discuss about it and whatever I will say here if he feels he wants to challenge me he can even call to challenge me.

“I took Cleophas Malala akiwa MCA wa Lumakanda ward nikampeleka kwa naibu wa rais Eldoret kwa nyumba yake private inakuanga pale town. Na ata Cleophas mwenyewe confessed in a church in Kakamega before the deputy president akasema nilimpeleka kwa nyumba ya deputy president for the first time akaona deputy president akipika chai kwa nyumba yake.

“Nikaenda nika introduce yeye for the first time kwa William Ruto. Cleophas  akaambia deputy president challenge ako nayo hana nyumba anaishi kwa rental house. Deputy president akamwambia there is no problem wewe ongea na Rashid wacha niangalie maneno kidogo nitatuma Rashid.

“Deputy president called me after a month akaniambia uyu kijana wako alikuwa anajenga nyumba what do we do does he have a land? Nikamwambia ako na shamba. Deputy president William Ruto alinipatia three million Kenya shillings nikaenda nikapatia Malala akaanza kujenga nyumba yake pale Milimani Kakamega.

“Akajenga nyumba kufika kwa roofing akasema pesa imeisha akatumia deputy president message. Dp akaniuliza kwani mlikuwa mnajenga nini nikamwambia ni kagorofa kanajaribu kujenga.

“Akaniita tena akanipia 2.5 million na nataka Cleophas Malala aseme ni uongo. Nikapatia Cleophas Malala yote ilikuwa 5.5 million Cleophas akajenga iyo nyumba karoof akaweka mpaka mabati.

“kumaliza akasema hana pesa ya finishing. Mimi Rashid Mohamed Deputy president akaniuliza ni nini hii mnajenga? Mnajenga godown ama mnajenga nyumba ya mtu kuishi nikamwambi uyu rafiki yangu amelemewa.

“Deputy president aliniita mimi na Malala ofisi yake akapatia Malala 1.5 million akanipatia mimi 1.5 million akaambia Malala enda malizia nyumba. Today my brother if i see Cleophas Malala mebele ya madhabau mbele ya wananchi watu wana mourn, unaita mtu ambaye alikupatia pesa ukajenga nyumba unazalia ndani watoto mwizi my brother?

“Let him challenge me you know it is not fair!! Anaenda kuambia kanisa msikubali pesa ya naibu wa rais ni pesa ya wizi. Mimi nataka ku challenge Malala aangushe iyo nyumba kwanza akuwe mfano number one aseme hi nyumba ilijengwa na pesa ya wizi ndio sasa watu wa makanisa waseme hatutaki fundraising.” He concluded.

RELATED STORY: Angry Rigathi Gachagua Says He is Nolonger Interested In Deputizing Ruto After Causing Problems In UDA


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