Moses Kuria Finally Reacts To Junet Mohamed’s Video


Controversial Gatundu member of parliament Moses Kuria has finally weighed in on the sentiments by Suna East legislator Junet Mohamed.

Junet Mohamed while on a Kisii tour jokingly said that the government will be for Nyanza people if Raila Odinga becomes the president in 2022.

According to Junet Mohammed, the Mount Kenya region has enjoyed trappings of power for more than 20 years and it was high time Nyanza residents also enjoy the same.

“Baba akishinda, serikali ni yetu watu wa Nyanza. Sitaki iyo watu wa gazeti waskie iyo, Mutahi Kagwe anaeza kasirika. Lakini ata nyinyi mlikuwa nayo miaka ishirini na kadhalika sasa safari hii ni ya wa watu wa Nyanza. Mutahi utakuja apa kama mgeni ( If Raila wins the government will be owned by the people of Nyanza. I don’t want this to get to the media, Mutahi Kagwe will be upset. Though even you and your people have enjoyed power for more than 20 years. This round the government is for Nyanza locals. Mutahi you will soon come back here as a visitor),” he said.

Consequently, Moses Kuria  said that sentiments made by Junet Mohamed was more reason why Mt. Kenya must be given 40 percent of seats in the next government.

“If you listened to the Junet Mohammed Video, you will understand why Mt Kenya is demanding 40% share of government and everything. Na tutiraguagua ! Before you say we have enjoyed power for I don’t know how many years, wekelea 40% first. Haiiiiiya!” Wrote Kuria.

Various Kenyans also had this to say after Junet’s video went viral:

“Jest by Junet Mohammed was simply juvenile banter, so wrongly framed. I’ve posted here and elsewhere before that the LUO are most nationalistic, trusting and trustworthy community only for their foremost leaders to be alienated by regimes since 1966. Politics of tribalism evil.”

“I’m not surprised by what Junet & Oburu have so far leaked. I have raised red flags for @TheODMparty for long. But who am I? In November 27, 2020 I enlisted what stands between Raila & presidency; the conclusion was simple: Communication!?.”

“Raila should learn from DP Ruto’s campaign. Ruto was in Western today and he was accompanied by Western MPs and other politicians from that region. But when Raila visits Turkana Junet is always there to welcome him same with Orengo in the Mt. Kenya region and Mbadi in N. Eastern.”

“Junet it’s not #Kenyamoja when you are making careless statements that incite animosity, hate. You’re the closest politician to @RailaOdinga so you’d know your careless jest only cause alienation, doubts and revives fears. Just accept liability and APOLOGISE. Cc: @DennisOnyangoGM.”

“Kenya Moja is Actually WaKenya Wageni ..Thanks Junet for notifying Us that we will be Visitors in Our own Country Kenya ?? if Raila ever Ascends to Power .Mutahi Kagwe tops in the list of Visitors ?..”

“There are two ways Raila will lose elections effortlessly. 1). Make a joint appearance with Ruto in public event. Ruto will outshine him within 5 minutes….2. Allow Junet to speak for him. He’ll spill all Baba secrets with 5 seconds. With Ruto & Junet, Baba has 0 chance.”

“So after Mutahi Kagwe declared support to baba, Junet, Raila’s most trusted ally, the ever present everywhere Raila is, Raila’s confidant, told him the government they are going to form is theirs and Mutahi will be going there as a visitor. If I were Mutahi I’d have just left!”

“Iyo video ya Junet akisema mount Kenya will be outsiders if Raila wins wataweka kwa loudspeakers on top of proboxes zianze kupiga raundi thentro Kenya wanacheza wakisema tutavaa shorts and baba’s quest to climb the mountain will be all over before it even started.???”

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