More Trouble For Waiguru As EACC Goes After Her Over Graft Case


Double tragedy for Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru after it emerged that the anti-graft detectives have trained the spotlight on her administration.

This comes at times when Waiguru is embroiled in a protracted political battle with MCAs.

The governor has been summoned for questioning by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission over alleged irregularities in her county.

During the acquisition of her impeachment, the Senate concluded that “there exists a well-planned and complex web of corruption in the tendering process in her administration”.

The rising storm is likely to deal a huge blow in her political career, coming at a time when she was positioning herself as the next Mount Kenya kingpin after President Uhuru retires.

Sources say that Waiguru will be grilled by EACC on Wednesday next week.

Waiguru was supposed to be grilled on Tuesday this week but she requested a postponement.

“The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has accepted your request and postponed the date of the interview to Wednesday 22 July 2020 from 9 am at Integrity Centre office, Nairobi. Take note that EACC will not postpone the interview any further,” EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak said according to the Star.

Since coming into the office, has rejuvenated the was against graft, and speaking to Citizen TV last week, the EACC CEO said the next one or two months the commission will have one or two governors charged.

Sources said the anti-graft agency wants to scrutinize all the controversial procurement that has dogged the county government of Kirinyaga.

“The impress payments that MCAs raised in their petition are the main issue that concerns her [Waiguru] though there are other issues,” a highly placed source at the EACC told the Star.

During her impeachment, Kirinyaga MCAs claimed was irregularly paid travel allowances amounting to Sh10.6 million despite not making the trips.

The MCAs also claimed that the Governor presided over a corrupt and joint criminal enterprise by ensuring those close to her presided over the evaluation and award of tenders.

Those who were placed on the spot included, director of administration Pauline Kamau, Gichira Wayne, the governor’s ICT adviser and director of procurement Joseph Otieno.

The Senate, however, said, there no nexus between Waiguru and those culpable of the offense.

The 11-member Senate committee said it had established potential evidence of graft in the awards of tenders.

“The committee notes that it is apparent there exists a well-orchestrated and complex web of corruption in the tendering process at the county government of Kirinyaga. To this end, officers who are found culpable should take personal responsibility for their acts of omission or commission,” the committee said in its report.

The Senator Malala-led committee then asked the EACC to investigate some of the allegations on tendering and provide a report within 60 days.


The committee established that at least in the four of the tenders there was clear mismanagement of the process as they were awarded to companies whose bids were not responsive.

The committee further also found out that the firm – Velocity Partners Ltd was registered in May 2917 and was awarded the tender the following year despite not meeting the five-year requirement stipulated in the tender documents.

These new developments when the Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru battle with the county assembly has hit a crescendo.

On Monday some of the MCAs kick-started to push for the dissolution of Kirinyanga county.

The MCAs have vowed to keep fighting governor until the county is dysfunctional.


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