Mikoko Pamoja: Kenyan Coastal Project Wins UN Person of the Year


Mikoko Pamoja, a coastal initiative conserving mangrove forest has emerged as the winner of the UN Person of the Year during an event held on Tuesday, October 24.

According to the UN, Mikoko Pamoja’s efforts has restored 17 hectares of vital mangrove ecosystems since 2013.

“Mikoko Pamoja’s innovative approach transcends environmental action, creating economic avenues from mangrove conservation and channeling carbon credit sales into building local infrastructure. Result? $210,000 has been reinvested in the community, enhancing thousands of lives,” UN stated.

UN added that mangroves play a vital role in climate action.

mikoko Pamoja representatives receiving the award on Tuesday October 24, 2023. Photo/UN Kenya.

Project Coordinator of the Initiative, Kassim Juma stated that the restoration of mangroves helps to protect the coastline and empower the future of people in Gazi.

“The essence of Mikoko Pamoja lies in its ethos of interweaving environmental stewardship with community empowerment Our story is one of transformation,” he said.

According to Project Developer and Chief Scientist at KMFRI (Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute), James Kairo, “Mikoko Pamoja” is an excellent example of a” triple win” project t –a win for climate, community, and biodiversity.

“Success of Mikoko Pamoja has been replicated in Vanga Blue Forest (VBF), and plans are underway to expand the program to Lamu and other areas along the coast, “he stated.

The United Nations has recognized the multifaceted approach and placed the Gaza Community at the forefront of community–led environmental action. Mikoko Pamoja has leveraged the potential of the global carbon market and ensured that the villagers are not passive beneficiaries but proactive stakeholders in their collective future.

United Nations resident coordinator, Stephen Jackson said the Gazi community stands as a beacon of hope, illustrating how local actions can resonate globally. Their efforts underscore the delicate balance between human needs and environmental conservation, emphasizing the power of community engagement and innovation.”


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