Miguna Claims His Life Is In Danger In Canada As Goons Trail Him In A Honda


Kenyan and Canadian based lawyer Miguna Miguna has now claimed that his life is in danger since unknown goons have been trailing him.

According to Miguna Miguna who broke the news through his twitter handle, he claimed that a honda with an Ontario number plate has been surveying his house for the last two weeks.

As a result, the no nonsense lawyer also vowed to blame president Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga if anything happens to him in Canada.

He also added that he does not fear death and that he will be coming back to his motherland by force whether the government likes it or not.

“This Honda CRV, Ontario Plate Number BYLM 576 has been monitoring our house for the past 2 weeks. If anything happens to me, I know it is Despot Uhuru Kenyatta and Conman @RailaOdinga. I don’t fear them. I don’t fear death. I’m still coming home. #UhuruMustFall #RevolutionNow.” He shared through a tweet.

The controversial lawyer and politician Miguna Miguna is set to return to the country years after being deported to Canada.

Miguna will return to the country in company of former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga on November 16, 2021.

According to a statement dated October 19, the former chief justice announced that he will personally bring the lawyer back to the country.

“After careful reflection and following broad consultations with lawyers, human rights and justice defenders, progressive politicians, and Mr Miguna himself, I have decided to travel to Toronto, Canada, to accompany Mr Miguna on his flight back to his motherland on 16 November 2021,” Mutunga said.

He said that he was taking the step as a way of enforcing court orders that have been ignored by the Uhuruto Jubilee government for the longest time possible.

“I have taken this extraordinary step for two fundamental reasons. The first is because of the continued, flagrant and reprehensible defiance of the Government of Kenya, its agencies and senior officials, against the numerous valid court orders in favour of Mr Miguna, The second reason why I have decided to undertake this journey is to support and defend the independence of our judiciary, its authority, and the people’s confidence in it,” the former CJ stated.

He also demanded the government to immediately and unconditionally withdraw red alerts against Miguna Miguna and allow all airlines to fly him to Kenya, publicly apologize to him and to Kenyans for the violation of the constitution and for contempt of court, Comply fully with all court orders but not limited to, those regarding reparations and costs.

Apart from that, Mutunga wants the government to ensure that Miguna is not removed from the plane before and after it lands at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Ensure no security and immigration officers block Miguna’s entry at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, or at any other port of entry.

He further asked the government to comply with the notice that will be given to the Inspector General of Police not to interfere with, disrupt or threaten Kenyans who travel to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to receive Miguna Miguna, and ensure that everyone is accorded their full rights of assembly under Article 37 of the Constitution.

After Miguna broke the news of Assassins trailing him in Caanada, this is how a number of Kenyans reacted:

“Do you even have neighbours who comment on such issues you are raising? Why are you so obsessed with Kenyans and yet you are not even a Kenyan? Focus on matters about Canada and let Kenyans stay in peace. We already have a lot to deal with and a foreigner is not in our list.”

“But honestly, General, I thought you’re well conversant with geopolitics. US & it’s allies (Canada et Al) support pro-Western states, whether dictatorship or otherwise. In one or the other, you’re against Western allies and I believe you have a good history of Five Eyes ?”

“Hallucinations za bangi haijakomaa ndizo huwa zinamsumbua.?. Am in no camp, but this guy bores with his criticism, exposure of private issues of his friends whom he has fallen out with, assumption that he’s the most learned, Bure kabisa.”

“Why is the government so afraid of Miguna to the extent they had to deport him? Guys we allowed the “deportation” of our fellow Kenyan (hate him or love him) and we remained silent about it. Heck…some of you even laughed and joked about it. We should be ashamed about it!”

“DMV should come clean on this. They must expose the custodian of the vehicle and explain the motive of trolling the home of our 5 STAR GENERAL. This won’t slow the movement and the quest for justice !VIVA!”

“Like Uhuru’s and Raila’s sole purpose in life is to constantly monitor or worry about a nondescript in Ontario. Get over yourself.”

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