Love Has No Limits! 32-Year Old Man Is A Proud Husband To Triplets, After A Colorful White Wedding


A Congolese man has left the world in shock by marrying three sisters who are triplets in a white wedding.

32-year old Luwizo, from Kalehe village in South Kivu, DRC grabbed the opportunity to be with Natasha, Natalie and Natege with both hands just as February was coming to an end.

According to him his parents did not approve their union and they never attended their wedding but that did not not bother him.

“You have to lose something in order to gain another. In addition, one has their preferences and their own way of doing things. I’m happy to marry the triplets no matter what others think…. Love has no limits.”” he told Afrimax.

Among the triplets, Luwizo first met Natalie on social media, they talked for sometime and he just fell in love with her.

“To begin with, I fell in love with a girl called Natalie. We met on social media. She was incredibly beautiful. I couldn’t resist her beauty and after some time we decided to meet. It wasn’t that easy because I was on a work trip,” Luwizo narrated.

The two finally met and decided to get married. Her sisters,  Natasha and Nadege could also not resist the urge of loving him after learning about him.

Whenever he would visit their home, whoever was around would welcome him. He was not able to differentiate among the three who was Natalie and so it happened that he was with each of the triplets  on different occasions.

“After some time, I went back to her house to conclude the wedding plans, unexpectedly, I met three girls with one face. I was surprised that I almost fainted. I asked which among you is Natalie. They said I never met with one girl, consequently the first time I met Nadege, second time Natasha and third one who is the social media girl in Natalie,” Luwizo said.

It dawned on him that he could not marry Natalie and leave her sisters behind. He says that he was obliged to marry the three of them even though that was a difficult decision to make.

On the other hand, the triplets had always thought that marriage would separate them but they are glad it did not since they have been doing things together since childhood.

“At first, when we told him he had to marry all of us he was shocked. But because he had already fallen in love with all of us, nothing couldn’t stop our plans since we were also in love with him. Even though people consider it impossible for three women to share one husband, but to us, sharing everything has been our life since childhood,” one of the triplets said.

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