Kisii Witches Exhume A Dead Kid, Eats Body Then Throws Coffin Near A River


Witches from the county of Kisii on Wednesday night exhumed the body of a dead kid before dumping the empty coffin near a river.

According to sources, the witches in Kisii are believed to have stolen the body and probably ate it since the same was not found inside the coffin as buried in it.

“Coffin purportedly used to bury a kid at Gionseri, Bobasi in Kisii found near a river bank. However, the said body could not be traced. It’s believed that the body was exhumed by witches. Matters witchcraft are rampant in Gusii. It’s believed witches eat corpses.” Reported the source.

This news from Kisii shocked many Kenyans who had the following to say:

“I hear relatives should guard the body for several days so this witches can’t take the organs they want woiii this community is something else.”

“I was to marry a kisii but based on this findings I can’t anymore ?.”

“I had a kisii boyfriend sometimes parents knew about it. It was vayolense after vayolense mpaka boy child akatoroka Kennedy I loved you but also I could not disrespect my parents.”

“I think it’s time we stand together as kisii and condemn this unverified information meant to tarnish the name of gusii.i personally don’t believe in witchcraft.i have grown in kisii and spent my 30years in kisii but I have never seen a witch.OMGvoice should apologize for this unverified information.”

“Kenya should just be disbanded and citizens distrusted to neighboring countries. Too much evil going on. Mungu saidia.”

“Isabimo Moranga, Sheila Bahati , John Nguru I always force myself to believe that there’s no such thing like witchcraft but when I see this am left with no words. It’s scaring.”

“Been living in kisii all my life and I’ve never seen a witch with my eyes, just stories, like this one. I was almost believing witchcraft is an illusion until I realized that witches Are everywhere in the country, except that in most communities it’s concealed andv viewed as normal practice. We don’t do that in kisii, witches are evil.”

“Not only do they kill the body, they also kill there children’s dream and vision, Nowander remote areas of kisii you will find unexplainable poverty.”

“Have a kisii freind who told me this thing are there…witches are there,it’s true they exhume bodies and eat them.”

“Nonsense. The coffin is very clean kwani haikua na matope ? Jinga Sana . Sell witchcraft fears to your villagers.”

“I’m proud to be a kisii…coz it doesn’t bother me…Wen God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, there individuals who were left coz of there deeds…I’ll stand out to be counted.”

“When growing up, I used to hear stories about witches though I never saw a single witch. I almost believed in it until a time when witchcraft was fronted as the cause of an issue which I knew very the truth about its cause. That’s how I knew witchcraft in kisii is all a fallacy…

There’s even a former MP who won elections after duping electorates. During campaign period, he distributed goodies and then ran a propaganda that whoever partook his goodies and talked or even thought about not voting for him a calamity befell him. Out of fear, guys voted him enmasse.

Now, if u look at that coffin, if indeed it was used for burial purposes , no way it would be spotless. The process of burial is abrasive, but I don’t see a single scratch on that coffin., not even a spec of streaks of mud or soil…

Whoever dumped that coffin by the said river had an agenda.

I call upon people of my community to be woke, these narratives are tarnishing the name of our tribe both within and outside the borders of Kenya. I find it difficult to interact with new found colleagues and friends coz everytime they learn am from the Gusii community the first task is ask me to explain to them how we practise witchcraft., it’s so tiring.

There’s no witchcraft in kisii to the best of my knowledge, it’s just some twatt & low IQ individuals who find easy answers in witchcraft whenever a difficult situation arises.”

“Fabricated stories. Tell us where the said child was burried and re-dig the grave to confirm the absence of the body. Otherwise these are scare tactics from malicious individuals.”

“Witchcraft is real,hence the devil is at work,real christians be vigilant and continue praying unceasingly and fasting and meditating on word of GOD ?”

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