Kimunya’s first remarks shortly after being elected majority leader


The bombshell that many were waiting for materialised today as President Uhuru Kenyatta replaced Aden Duale with Amos Kimunya as National Assembly Majority Leader.

Mr. Kimunya who is the Kipipiri MP addressed the media minutes shortly after being elected into his new position. Kimunya praised the president for proposing him to take over from Garissa MP Aden Duale.

“I don’t take the appointment lightly. I will do my best to serve the party and the whole country. We will continue using Duale’s expertise for synergy,” the Kipipiri MP said.

Amos Kimunya, the new Majority Leader
Amos Kimunya, the new Majority Leader

He further said that details of the Jubilee Party Parliamentary Group meeting will be released to the public this week.

“Details of what transpired will be released later but main agenda was on change of leadership in the party. I thank the President for having confidence in me,” Kimunya stated.

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“There was no engagement, the President proposed, he was seconded and that was it,” he continued. Kimunya added that the party felt that it was time for a change and also denied that the party was divided despite tangatanga faction opening offices dubbed Jubilee Asili Centre.

“Going forward we want to see the whole Jubilee fraternity working together and in harmony. Members felt there’s need for change,” he added.

Amos Kimunya with President Uhuru Kenyatta
Amos Kimunya with President Uhuru Kenyatta

Emerging reports are stating that Aden Duale was finally removed as Majority Leader after Kega’s petition asking for Duale’s removal reached Uhuru’s desk. The petition showed that most Jubilee MPs did not have confidence in the Garissa MP.

President Kenyatta made the decision after presiding over a Jubilee Parliamentary Group meeting at the KICC.

It was the second Jubilee PG this month after the first one was held at State House on June 2nd. Duale survived after the first PG despite the purge which has been targeting Deputy President William Ruto’s allies from plum parliamentary offices.

Aden Duale with Uhuru and Ruto
Aden Duale with Uhuru and Ruto

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