Jealous Miguna Wants To Supervise Who Marries Winnie Odinga


If you thought you were petty, then you will be nowhere near the Kenyan and Canadian self proclaimed lawyer Miguna Miguna who has gone to the extent of dictating who should not be marrying Raila’s daughters.

Through a tweet, Miguna took offense that Raila allegedly wooed Nyeri men to marry his daughter Winnie. According to Miguna, Luo men are barred from seeking suitors for their daughters.

“It was with utmost shame that I watched conman @RailaOdinga PLEADING with Kikuyu young men in Nyeri to marry his daughter, Winnie. Elders, especially Elderly Luo Men, are not allowed to seek suitors for their daughters. It’s a BAD OMEN. The Conman should focus on his DEAD TREK.” He tweeted.

“Conman @RailaOdinga must choose only one agenda: Either a husband for Winnie, or the Presidency. Not both. But if I was @MutahiNgunyi, I would advise the old man to focus on his health and memoirs. Time is running out. Cheers. ?” He added in another tweet.

However, these sentiments by Miguna rubbed some of his followers the wrong way. They had these to say:

“Ukiendelea hivi sisi wenyewe tutakunyorosha airport not government, hi ni upuzi gani sasa. Leave family matters out pls, don’t attack Winnie for no reason. She Is a descent woman'”

“Why in the first place you are following issues of someone you don’t like?”

“Achana na agwambo banaa ww kuja home we are missing you zombie ??”

“This guy used to be mistaken for a revolutionary ??”

“Kwani Miguna Miguna huwaga hana kitu ya kuongelea, yani ukilala Raila ukiamka Raila cha ajabu uyo mzee mwenyewe wala hana hata shugli na wewe, jamani huchoki? itabidi serikali ukutafutie kazi?alafu tuko sawa kwa sasa bila wewe ile michafuka maandamamo vifo hakuna tena 2lia huko”

“I one day regarded Mr miguna miguna as a general my apologies please generals are not petty like him so he is not one”

“Raila lives in your head rent-free ??! Talking of daughters, there was that small matter of your daughter Atieno Miguna in some escort sites in Canada,it hurt right? Don’t drag people’s families everywhere.”

“Si ukuje ama pia wewe ni wale wakuwa na wivu watoto wa wenzio wakipata mabwana? Aya chukua watoto wako waking uwaunganishe na wa MM wachape ile kazi uwaga watoto wa MM wanachapa uko Canada”

“Wewe wako alishindwa kupata Bwana akaamua kua pornstar na Unaongelea wa wenyewe. Where do you even get the strength!? Smh”

“@MigunaMiguna Rabondo ama Rabala as it’s called in Ugenya assuming you are right where is the problem do you want to marry or you want the men to marry your daughters think before you attack you are a parent too.”

“Miguna you are a brilliant man: you should understand things in their context. You should be able to tell apart a joke and a serious talk.”

“You’ve mentioned the Enigma @RailaOdinga over 3 million times this year and he has ignored your rants over 3 million times. Focus.”

“With the trend and the angle you’ve taken MM it would be hard to cohabit in Nyanza and Kenyan without police protection, kaa uko ng’ambo it’s for your own safety.”

“When we talk about daughters be careful,you know we have nasty about your daughter’s,
But were more civilized,when you live in glass house don’t throw stones,”

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