Itumbi Completely Dismantles Raila’s 6k Youth Monthly Stipend If Elected


William Ruto’s communication strategist Dennis Itumbi has completely dismantled Raila Odinga’s 6,000 monthly stipend for the unemployed youths if elected president.

During his speech in Nakuru, the opposition leader was forced to give hope to the already unemployed youths during his Azimio la Umoja tour.

The ODM leader promised that his Government from next year will give each unemployed youth an amount exacting to ksh. 6000 monthly stipend if he becomes president.

“My Government will make sure that all youths get employed and those who will not secure jobs in time will be given a monthly stipend of ksh. 6000,” he said.

This promise was seen as a result of continuous pressure by the youths in the country towards the government to address their challenges.

However, according to Itumbi, the proposal by Raila was a lie which would not only burden the taxpayers but also surpass the budget, sending the country into more borrowings to sustain the same.

Below is what Mr. Itumbi said about the proposal by Raila Idinga:

“DISSECTING the Proposal by Raila Odinga

  1. Shs. 6,000 per month stipend for all UNEMPLOYED persons.
  2. Census put unemployed youth at 5,341,182
  3. Add Covid related Job Loss, that has been put at 1.7m
  4. Total Unemployed, 7, 041, 182
  5. That means Raila Odinga is committing Shs. 42.2b a month to all unemployed Youths
  6. That is 506.9b annually.

So let us Test this promise vis-a-vis reality.

  1. Counties are sharing Shs. 370b ( Remember the Shs. 50b added to resolve Revenue Formula Stalemate)
  2. Our Public Wage bill is 800b
  3. Our debt Repayment this Financial year – interest plus principal is 1.17T
  4. WE Collected Kshs. 1.669 Trillion in 2020/2021 Financial Year
  5. Already we are at 2.7Trillion. (In other words in this proposed Tinga Administration we are already borrowing 1Trillion to spend not Invest in long term solutions)
  6. What is left for Development? Health? Education? Rural Transformation? Youth Agenda? All being promised by Tinga?
  7. By the way, there is O&M ( Operations and Maintenance) which is 600b

The Media that is already worshiping Baba may let him get away with such obvious lies, but huku Social Media we will keep asking the questions. Anyway, time for church….have a blessed one.”

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