I Am The Immediate Target Of Police Harassment – Mudavadi


On Wednesday Amani National Congress (ANC) leader, Musalia Mudavadi claims he is the next target police harassment.

Mudavadi said he, his supporters, and leader from the Western region allied to him are the next target of the intimidation.

“I know I am the immediate target of police harassment,” Mudavadi said.

According to Mudavadi a “Sky Team” that comprise of Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa and Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparaye had been given the mandate to harass and intimidate him.

Mudavadi said the intimidation is aiming at him in a vain attempt to cut him down to size for the reason that he has refused to dance the tune of their master. He advised them to win him over with convincing argument and not trade in brute force.

Kakamega hit back at the ANC leader saying those were his assertions were baseless and were just his thinking.

“Nobody has tasked Eugene or me to harass him. I just want to encourage him to strengthen his party, as we strengthen ours. I am in ODM, Eugene is in Jubilee and he is in ANC,” Governor Oparanya said.

The governor added that he together with his team will not relent in their tours of Western to Unite the block and champion its interests.

Mudavadi told the Governor and Wamalwa to listen to the Luhya elders who have told them to stop dividing the region.

Senator Wetangula’s Convoy being tear-gassed by the police in Bungoma

Mudavadi’s claim comes after violence in Kakamega when six MPs were tear-gassed in Malva constituency.

A day before the incident, Ford Kenya Leader Moses Wetang’ula was also tear-gassed during a meet-the-people tour in Bungoma county

Nonetheless, Mudavdi commended the President to admonish the Cabinet Secretaries who engage in politics in the guise of inspecting government projects.


Mudavadi accused Wamalwa and Oparanya’s team of isolating Luhya leaders using the BBI rally at Bukhungu Stadium but failed and are now looking on ways to create enemies for the President.

He also accused the two of engaging in dishonesty and falsehood – they are hell-bent on creating imaginary anti-Kenyatta and pro-DP William Ruto camps in the Western region.


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