Governor Obado Tells His Children To Carry Their Own Cross In The Corruption Cases


According to the Standard, Migori governor Okoth Obado told the court that he does not wish to be party to the ongoing corruption case involving him, his children and close allies.

Okoth Obado through his lawyers maintained that he won’t be party to a suit where the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is seeking to compel him, businessman Jared Kwaga, 13 companies and his four children to forfeit their assets worth 73.4 million Kenya shillings.

The implication of not filing a response to the corruption case means that the governor has left his children and the close allies to battle it out on their own since they were the architects of the alleged corruption according to the EACC.

On their side, the Migori governor Okoth Obado’s daughters vehemently defended their father that he conspired with close allies in a bid to swindle funds from the Migori county coffers.

Scarlet Susan and Evelyn Okoth on Wednesday claimed that they are being persecuted not because of the corruption allegations but because of their father’s political stand.

As a result, they vehemently denied receiving indirect kickbacks from the so called companies accused of earning tenders from the Migori county government irregularly.

“We have never received any benefits from anyone or the alleged proxies of our father. It is evident that the cases brought against us and our siblings are clear victimisation for being children of Okoth Obado and we are facing the repercussions for his political affiliations.” They said.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is targeting assets associated with the cartel amongst them two-high end vehicles, money in Obado’s children’s accounts and a home in Lavington all which were allegedly bought by stolen funds from the Migori county government.

According to the commission, Obado and the named proxies amassed illegal wealth to the tune of 73,474,376 Kenya shillings which were as a result of fictitious contracts from the county.

Specifically, 38,949,376 shillings were wired to the accounts belonging to Obado’s children. This money was meant for their university upkeep, fees then the rest used to buy expensive land-cruiser V8s. The remaining 34 million was used to buy an apartment somewhere in Lavington.

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