Gachagua Moves to Save Governor Wamatangi From Impeachment


Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has initiated plans to Save Kiambu Governor Wamatangi from looming impeachment.

SonkoNews understands that Gachagua summoned Kiambu leaders for a meeting on Monday, November 6 to iron out their differences.

The second in command is expected to meet all the members of the County assembly before holding a sitting with the 14 MPs in the county.

Later in the afternoon, he will hold a closed-door meeting with the governor.

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi addressing residents. Photo/Wamatangi.

“I want to understand what has been ailing this county, we cannot allow Kiambu to go down as we watch,” Gachagua told the congregation at Kiambu ACK Church.

“Governor ought to be borrowing from President William Ruto who accord his deputy duties and allows him to work as assigned,” said Gachagua in relation to a spat between Wamatangi and his Deputy Rosemary Kirika.

A section of MCAs have been pushing to impeach Wamatangi. However, the pro-Wamatangi MCAs accused their counterparts of getting support from area MPs.

They however dared them to table the impeachment motion.

“We assert that Kiambu is not prepared for any removal of the Governor from office. As a County, we are unwilling to revisit that path due to its previous disastrous consequences,” they said in a joint statement signed by 49 MCAs. Led by Kamenu ward MCA Peter Mburu, they dismissed as unfounded and farfetched, a plot by 16 of their colleagues to start a process for the removal of the first-term Governor.

However, Gachagua’s meeting is expected to end the bad blood between the leaders.


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