Forest Road: CCTV Footage Shows The Silly Mistake The Lady Did After Causing The Accident


A new CCTV footage has revealed what really transpired after the Zimbabwean woman was involved in a minor accident with a bodaboda along the Forest Road.

According to the video shared by one Benson, the woman caused the accident along Forest Road but made one silly mistake instead of rushing to the nearest police station.

She decided to get out of the car and make a call amidst chants from the marauding group of the bodaboda youths that were baying for her blood.

Instead of running to the nearest police traffic officer who was standing by, the woman was still patiently waiting outside as she tried to stop and negotiate with the bodaboda guys.

It was at that point that someone told the woman that her car would be burnt and so she  started running towards the vehicle to take off.

However, she was too late in her decision as the bodaboda youths quickly caught up with her car before she could drive far.

According to the Nation, the clip appears to have been taken moments before the now-viral clip of the shocking assault, which surfaced earlier in the week. By then, the woman was still dressed fully in her clothes.

In the meantime, it was revealed that the rogue Forest road bodabodas robbed the innocent woman of a crazy amount of money and an expensive phone.

Consequently, the suspects were charged with robbery with violence after it was revealed that they robbed her phone and cash worth 130,000 Kenya shillings.

This viral video caused uproar in the country with netizens calling upon the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) to swing into action and arrest the rogue youths.

On Monday, a group of bodaboda riders around Forest road cornered the helpless woman and began stripping her and pulling her out of the vehicle.

To defend herself, the woman started screaming hence attracting the attention of the other road users including traffic police officers who later intervened.

Following the horrendous incident, the Nairobi Traffic Police commander Joshua Omukaka said his officers had already confiscated five motorcycles and at least 16 suspects arrested.

On their side, Kenyans had the following to say following the Forest Road unfortunate event:

“Such an absurd act is totally unacceptable. It’s high time for the government to impose heavy penalty to any bodaboda guy involved in harrasing motor vehicle drivers. This people will be on the wrong side because they own the roads and when an accident happens they gang up on you. Hakutaendelea hivi, noooo?.”

“A woman???? Some men though….these goons should not be in the roads no more….ukipatana na hawa usiku ukitoka kazini si watakutendea unyama….if they can’t get to class like other drivers n be registered let them be banned.”

“Saddest video i have seen today. Its really scary to drive thinking that this might happen. BodabodaRiders MUST be properly regulated by law. Justice should prevail.”

“Uncouth, primitive, barbaric behavior can never be encouraged 60 years after independence… We have insurance and the laws to sort such matters.”

“Those are criminals. Rapists. Surely something needs to be done. This is someone’s daughter!!!!! Tomorrow it could be your mother/wife/sister/daughter they could prey on. With that video can’t the police make arrests? So other motorists or passers by could not help? Much as the fucktard taking the video did not help the young lady let us thank God his stupidity has enlightened sane Kenyans that these boda guys need to be put in check. Scariest part is that they gang up regardless of whether they are the ones who hit you!!!

God help that lady overcome the trauma she had to go through under those walking demons.”

“We need law and order on our roads. These bodaboda guys are a real nuisance, unfortunately they enjoy protection from the same Govt. Being an election year, it’s even going to get worse. Politicians need their votes.”

RELATED STORY:  Angry Ruto Warns Uhuru For Taking Action Against Bodabodas Over Forest Road Incident


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