Exposed! Senators Pocketed Millions From The State To Change Their Stances.


The Senate has once again been hit by bribery allegations amid protracted standoff over the third generation revenue-sharing formula.

Our sources have established that some lawmakers pocketed millions of shillings after secretly negotiating with the government to change their stance on the debate.

According to the report by the Star, a senior government official together with six governors allegedly contributed millions of shillings to pay some six senators to push their side in the Senate talks.

It is alleged that counties contributed Sh10 million to get the support of the six senators in rejecting the proposed formula. While the senior government official added Sh50 million, putting a total of Sh60 million to oppose the formula.

Reports say the state official seriously needed a rejection of the revenue-sharing proposal. He looked for ways on which the counties perceived to be losing from the proposal defeat the government-backed formula.

“That is a public secret. The official has been coming here nearly every day. It is not a secret anymore. That is why you are seeing some senators changing their stand as late as Monday,” a senator told the Star off the record.

A series of negotiations and compromise was the reason opposition chief Raila Odinga while condemning the police actions against senators, made reference to lack of integrity among the elected leaders, something that he said was compromising the ability of Members of Parliament to check the state.

“The events have also laid bare the so-far unsuccessful struggle to make integrity and search for public good over private gain the basis of our politics and holding of public offices,” Raila said.

“The twin sins of failing integrity among a section of elected representatives during this whole affair and the instinct by agents of the State to resort to strong-arm ….. reducing our citizens to mere watchers in dramas whose scripts are written far from public eyes,” he added.

However, some lawmakers dismissed the claims stating they were hearsay, rumors, and politics aimed at diverting the attention from the real issue.

“I am not aware of bribery on the part of senators supporting the formula. I can’t speak on behalf of those opposing,” said Majority Chief Whip Irungu Kang’ata.


According to the Minority Chief Whip Mutula Kilonzo, it was not practical for senators more so those whose counties are losing to be bribed. But he indicated that there were attempts to influence the lawmakers.

“Why should I be bribed to lose Sh432 million in Makueni. If somebody gives me that money, I would be very happy. In fact, as far as we are concerned, the people who are being influenced are not the people who are losing,” he said.


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