Desperate Malala And Mudavadi Organize A Parallel Event To Disrupt Raila’s Bukhungu Rally


If desperation was a person, then Kakamega senator Cleo Malala, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya party leader Moses Wetangula would perfectly fit that definition.

Apparently, Cleo Malala has organized a football event dubbed “biggest tournament” on the same day (31st December 2021) Raila will be holding his Bhukungu stadium rally

One thing that did not escape the attention of Kenyans is that the Kakamega senator has invited Mr. Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula in his scheduled event.

“Uniting the Mulembe people using soccer. Hon Musalia Mudavadi and Hon Moses Wetangula, confirmed guests in the 4th edition of the biggest tournament in East Africa. #TheCleoMalalahSuperCup. #1MillionChampionship. #Tusakateboli.”

Malala had earlier on said that the Bhukungu meeting would not take place because some key politicians from the region had not been consulted.

“Kakamega is my bedroom. I want to tell them that unless they get a permit from Musalia, let them not step to Kakamega on December 31…I want to officially say that there will be no meeting at Bukhungu stadium on the 31,” Malala said.

According to him, Atwoli and the organizers of the meeting were planning to endorse ODM leader Raila Odinga ‘s presidential candidature. As a result, he warned them to go and organize such a meeting in their Luo region and not in Western Kenya.

“We have no problem, but even if you want to declare that Raila is enough, why don’t you go and endorse him in Kondele, or in Siaya or Yala, we have said that Kakamega is a no-go zone,” Malala further said.

However, Malala’s sentiments of disrupting the Bukhungu stadium rally did not go well with  COTU secretary general Mr. Francis Atwoli.

Through a tweet, Atwoli told off Malala saying that he has no capacity to postpone or organize such a meeting.

“You are a junior Senator who has neither the capacity to speak on behalf of the Luhya community nor the ability to call on and off such a meeting,” Atwoli said.

He confirmed that the meeting will continue as planned and leaders as well as locals from the 5 counties from the Western region are expected to attend.

“The Bukhungu II meeting brings together ALL progressive leaders and locals from the 5 counties in the region,” Atwoli stated.

Atwoli further threatened to forcefully circumcise Malala to make him cool down his negative energy.

RELATED STORY:Sisi Ni Mandugu- Moses Kuria Woes DP Ruto


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