David Mutai, alias Hillary Langat Matindwet arrested


David Mutai, aka Hillary Langat Matindwet, a wanted suspect in the Mulot SIM swap fraud, has been netted in Kericho.

The criminal suspect who has been evading arrest for the previous few days was apprehended by officers working at the Kericho Kenya Commercial Bank after being noticed by members of the public who pursued him.

He was dragged to the local Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) offices as a result of a tip from the general public.

The DCI stated that the suspect, who was at large at the time, is the subject of numerous cases and has active warrants for his arrest.

Police started looking for Mutai on Wednesday because he is thought to be responsible for mobile money transfer fraud in the counties of Bomet and Narok.

He may be a member of the notorious Mulot Sim exchange syndicate, which operates near the border between the two counties.

Between December 2 and 3, this year, Mutai is accused of stealing Sh941,000 from a member of parliament’s bank account who had left the country.

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