CS Eugene Wamalwa chased by Kakamega youth chanting Ruto slogans


Today morning an angry mob went after Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa at Kakamega Airstrip over what the group termed as complete disregard to priorities.

Eugene who was in the company of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and former Westlands MP Fred Ngumo was met with a rude shock after the crowd started chanting pro-Ruto slogans amid jeers and insults.

“Together with Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa at the Kakamega airstrip, we flagged off foodstuffs to be distributed to flood victims in the county. We will continue to support the victims to help them resettle after the floods. I appreciate the national government for the support,” Oparanya stated.


The rowdy youth gave the leaders a humiliating chase that forced them to take cover in their cars before speeding off.
The youth were chanting Deputy President William Ruto’s name as the officials drove off to distribute food in the county.

“Peaceful coexistence is the pathway to harmony and prosperity of society. I urge all communities along the borders of Kakamega and Nandi to live in peaceful coexistence irrespective of gender, age, race, tribe or religion. We are all one family under God,” the CS advised.

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Former Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale used the event to gather some accolades, declaring that Ruto’s influence in the Western Region had been stamped.

“Oparanya and CS Wamalwa’s reception at Kakamega Airport. I’ve said it. Kakamega is Ruto. And that is final,” he declared.

However, Political scientist Martin Andati stated that drama could have been stage-managed to embarrass CS Wamalwa and his team.

“Does Kakamega have so many idle youths such they would wait for them to arrive only to shout a politician’s name?” he wondered.

He added that as far as Western politics goes, former Vice President Musalia Mudavadi and Governor Oparanya.
Mark Bichache a communications strategy also held the same opinion that the young men were planted at the airstrip because if they were really agitated, they could have raised concerns about problems that affect them instead of chanting the DP’s name.


“Ruto says he has numbers but when you interrogate and scratch the surface, you find that there’s nothing there,” he explained.

University of Nairobi lecturer Herman Manyora also explained that the Westen region viewed Mudavadi to be more senior than Ruto and thus advised him to join forced with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

“If he (Mudavai) was to work with Ruto, then there is only one possible arrangement. Mudavadi to be Ruto’s running since Ruto can no longer serve as DP beyond the 10 years. However, the Luhya people will not accept “Mudavadi to be DP since that position and that of PM no longer excites them. It will take time for people to understand this position of prime minister.

“The other reason is that Mudavadi is senior to Ruto. Ruto may be smarter in other things and he might be the current DP but the fact remains Mudavidi is senior to him, and as such, he can not deputise Ruto,” Manyora advised.

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