
Ministry Of Health Gets Worried As Coronavirus Enter Counties

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe has expressed concern about the worrying trend of coronavirus spread with the counties. As of yesterday, 32 counties have already...

Kirinyaga governor Waiguru and PS Kibicho battle for county supremacy

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru and Interior PS Karanja Kibicho's supremacy battle is waging on, following the PS’ development tour of projects in the county. In...

Moses Kuria calls out Junet over purported Aisha Jumwa ouster

Moses Kuria, the Gatundu South MP has told off his Suna East Counterpart Junet Mohamed over the dewhipping of MP Aisha Jumwa from the...

Magoha Taskforce proposes that KCSE & KCPE Exams should be held in 2021

The Covid-19 Education Response Committee chaired by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Council chairperson Sara Ruto has recommended that schools, colleges and universities should...

No one wants to serve a failed Govt-Oscar Sudi tells Matiang’i and Kibicho

Oscar Sudi, the Kapsaret MP on Thursday evening, May 28, called out Interior Cabinet Secretary George Matiang'i and PS Karanja Kibicho, whom he claimed...


