
Derek Chauvin’s Wife Want to Change Her Last Name In Divorce Filing

While filing for her divorce case from former Minneapolis police officer Dereck Chauvin, Kellie Chauvin requested not only to change her last name but...

Police Officers Have Killed 15 And Injures 31 People During COVID-19 Curfew Enforcement

15 people have been killed and 31 others injured by the law enforcement authorities since Kenya enforced security measures to prevent the spread of...

Shock as Kisumu man allegedly murders brother, then buries him in bedroom

Kisumu police are investigating a bizarre incident in which a man hacked his brother to death and buried him in his bedroom two months...

Officer Charged With Murder Worked Together With George Floyd At Same Nightclub

New reports have emerged from the case of George Floyd's murder case. This is after a local nightclub owner in Minneapolis claimed that George...

Police chief-All four officers bear responsibility in George Floyd’s death

In an emotional response to George Floyd’s family Sunday night, the Minneapolis police chief, Medaria Arradondo says in his mind, all four officers involved...


