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Uhuru has successfully converted Ruto, Murkomen into preachers-Miguna says

Miguna Miguna has said President Uhuru Kenyatta has successfully managed to convert Deputy President William Ruto and Senator Kipchumba Murkomen into Bible preachers. Like our...

Poverty forces Kisauni woman to boil stones for children

As many Kenyans continue to have their daily bread, a mother in Kisauni, Mombasa County was on Tuesday, April 28, forced to boil stones...

Sonko initiates move to terminate Nairobi deal with Uhuru Kenyatta

Mike Sonko, the Nairobi Governor on Wednesday, April 29 gave the clearest signal yet that he would indeed be terminating the deed of transfer...

COVID-19:Kenyans raise tough questions after govt. uses WB millions on snacks and airtime

Expenditure of Ksh1 billion donated by the World Bank to Kenya for the fight against Covid-19 sparked an uproar among Kenyans on Wednesday, April...

Trans Nzoia parents told they will pay for quarantine for children caught idling

Trans Nzoia County Government has announced that children caught idling in the county, along with their parents will be arrested and quarantined at designated...


Medics condemn police brutality during protests

The Kenya Medical Association (KMA) has condemned police brutality...

UN cautions Ruto’s Govt against shooting protesters

The Secretary-General to the United Nations Antonio Guterres on...

“Listening To The People Is Not A Choice” Uhuru Kenyatta Breaks Silence

The immediate former president Uhuru Kenyatta has broken silence...

Boniface Mwangi Blames Kenya Kwanza Politicians After Tuesday’s Peaceful Protests Turned Chaotic

Renown activist and journalist Boniface Mwangi alias The People's...