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We demand to speak to Uhuru! Kariobangi residents barricade Outer Ring road

Today, Kariobangi residents took to the streets to demonstrate against evictions that left over 7,000 residents homeless. The residents burnt tires on the road...

I helped Ruto create his hustler brand-Mutahi Ngunyi boldly declares

Yesterday, Mutahi Ngunyi came out with bold claims on how he single-handedly engineered Deputy President William Ruto's 'hustler' brand, thereby propelling him to political...

You will burn in hell – Moses Kuria says after heartless Kariobangi evictions

Moses Kuria, the Gatundu South MP on Thursday evening, May 7, poked holes at the reasoning behind the eviction of over 7,000 families in...

Waiguru’s handing out Ksh 45 million bursary angers Kenyan

Anne Waiguru, the Kirinyaga Governor was on the receiving end of backlash after issuing Ksh 45 million worth of bursary cheques. The former Devolution and Planning...

Women are the ones who had a problem with my dress! Akothee narrates

This week Akothee remembered the time she caused a stir at Parliament Buildings over her inappropriate dress code. The mother of five feels her...


Human Rights Groups Confirm Number Of Protestors Killed In Tuesday’s Demos

A total of 23 people have been confirmed dead...

Video: Police Lob Teargas At Protesters In Nairobi

A section of Kenyans are still not satisfied after...

Turkana MP Asks For Forgiveness For Supporting Finance Bill

Joseph Namuar, the MP for Central Turkana, has asked...

I Salute Kenyan Youths For Standing Up Against Problematic Finance Bill- Lupita Nyong’o

Kenyan-Mexican actress Lupita Nyong’o has hailed Kenyans who boldly...