Annoyed Uhuru Doesn’t Want Anything To Do With OKA Principals Again


President Uhuru Kenyatta has reportedly cancelled all the current and future meetings with the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) principals over what he termed as dishonesty.

According to a letter written and signed by the head of public service Joseph Kinyua, President Uhuru Kenyatta decided to bring any such planned meeting with immediate effect, adding that he did not have a preferred candidate.

Most specifically, the head of state notified that it was unfortunate for the OKA principals to distort information after every meeting with an aim of painting him in bad light.

“I’m writing to convey to you the directive by His Excellency the President in which he has stopped all meetings with the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) principals and any other presidential candidate with immediate effect.

The president remains committed to the unity of the country, but he expressed his dissatisfaction with the deliberate distortion of information emanating from the recent meetings with the principals.

The president termed it unfortunate that the OKA principals have been trivializing the meetings that they themselves sought, diverting the focus from his core call for unity.

“As the symbol of national unity, the president has reiterated that he has no preferred candidate among the aspirants, and that Kenyans will pick their leader when the time comes.

Going forward,  I wish to notify you that all upcoming meetings are cancelled indefinitely.” Read the letter from president Uhuru Kenyatta.

Uhuru cancels all meetings with OKA principals

According to People Daily, President Uhuru Kenyatta reportedly met One Kenya Alliance on Saturday October 30, 2021 in a bid to convince them into supporting ODM leader Raila Odinga in the 2022 polls.

The Head of State met ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula. Baringo senator Gideon Moi and ex-Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo, who are also members of the OKA team, were not present at the meeting.

The local daily further reported that the President whipped the OKA principals to shelve their presidential bids in favour of the former prime minister.

The President is said to have scorned the leaders, telling them that he was not impressed by their actions, that he opined could scuttle his plans for the future of the country.

The President also posited as reported by People Daily that the continued parallel campaigns by the OKA team was causing confusion among the electorate and specifically in the bastions of the now defunct NASA coalition.

Uhuru is said to have put ANC party leader on the spot for his numerous remarks that insinuated that the country’s economy is increasingly declining under the President’s watch.

Speaking on the meeting, ANC Deputy party leader Ayub Savula stated that the President was only appealing to the OKA leaders to support Raila and not compelling them for the same.

“The President is meeting the OKA leaders at State House because these are people who represent political parties, they have to consult. There is an issue of convincing and as Uhuru said before, opposition leaders have to unite because they have a common enemy but is just an appeal, he cannot force them to support a particular person,” he stated.

In the meantime, Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi for the first time sided with deputy president William Samoei Ruto with regards to the types of leaders Kenyans must have.

Musalia Mudavadi reiterated William Ruto’s sentiments that they would not allow the republic of Kenya to have imposed leadership.

As a result, he maintained that citizens must be allowed to freely elect their leaders without external influence from anybody.

The ANC party leader added that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) must be given more time in a bid to enable them carry out their activities towards a free and fair election.

“Thank you Kakamega! OKA has the alternative genuine and trusted leadership that is committed to the wellbeing of our country. We shall not allow Kenyans to have imposed leadership. Kenyans should be allowed to choose a leader of their choice in an environment of peace and security. I  urge the MPs to allow a supplementary budget to give the IEBC more money to do a second round of voter registration and also be able to carry out its activities that will give us a free and fair elections in 2022.” He continued.

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