Kenyans Angered By Citizen TV’s Feature Story


Kenyans have taken to Twitter to express their emotions on the feature story that was aired by Citizen TV on Sunday evening.

The story dubbed ‘Virus Safarini’ was done by the station’s reporter, Purity Mwambia exposing how Kenyans are sneaking in and out of Nairobi despite the cessation movement that was imposed by the government on the Nairobi Metropolitan area.

The feature by Purity showed how Kenyans are using canning ways to go past the police roadblocks as they sneak back to the rural areas hence exposing the elderly to the deadly virus.

In her story, Purity showed how Kenyans were not keeping social distancing guidelines, not wearing face masks, and avoiding movement in and out of Nairobi which has been identified as a hot spot.

Purity Mwambia angers Kenyans with the feature story

Some accused the reporter of only focusing on the poor people and leaving out the rich her in her report while others opted for her to focus on the main issues affecting the society.

“I hope Purity Mwambia will today investigate and expose how MPs and other Jubilee leaders are violating some of the Covid-19 preventive measures such as social distancing at KICC with the same zeal she did yesterday,” one Ochieng Omolo said.

One Kawangware Finest Said, ” Purity Mwambia you scored a zero. Leave alone your fellow Kenyans who are not on payroll like you make ends meet for their families.

Many families are sleeping hungry because they don’t have money to buy basic items.”

Some Kenyans, however, praised her for a job well-done for exposing Kenyans who are faulting the directives put by the Ministry of Health.

“Purity Mwambia is vilified because she exposed a route and a way Kenyans are using to escape the containment measures set to protect against the spread of COVID-9. Why are you attacking some exposed the tot on the system? Or os it because hamjatoboa kupita? One Aoshi Shinomoni questioned.

” Kenyans are a funny lot. Last week a family traveled from Nairobi to Kitale, We wondered how.@citizentvkenya showed us how they did it. Now we are blaming Purity Mwambia,” one Quark Professor said.


On 6 June President Uhuru Kenyatta extended the cessation movement in and out of Nairobi for thirty days citing the likelihood of the spread of the coronavirus to the rural area. The president said he decided to extend the restricted movement with the country for further 30 days after wide consultation with experts and fully opening the country would lead to more deaths and further spread fo the virus.

Despite the restrictions placed by the government, the curve of coronavirus infection with the country is yet to flatten. By Sunday a total of 260 new cases was reported in Kenya bringing the number of those tested positive to 4738.

The government has however faulted Kenyans of faulting guidelines placed by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of coronavirus.


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