Uhuru’s Meeting With US and UK Ambassador This Week Sparks Debate


Former President Uhuru Kenyatta hosted both US Ambassador and UK High Commissioner at his office this week.

On Wednesday, December 6, Uhuru revealed that British High Commissioner to Kenya Neil Wigan visited him.

The former Head of State did not immediately reveal the details of their meeting.

On Friday, December 8, the US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman also visited the country’s fourth president.

The details of their meeting were not immediately published.

The British High Commissioner to Kenya H.E. Neil Wigan with former President Uhuru Kenyatta. Photo/ Office of the 4th President.

The two meetings sparked debate online with Kenyans wondering what prompted the envoys to visit him within a week.

“This week both UK and US envoys to Kenya have visited Uhuru, wonder what’s in the oven,” one social media user wrote.

“When it’s cooked, it will be served to the surprise of many. I won’t be surprised. We are not in charge of our internal affairs,” Ekuru Aukot, a former Presidential candidate responded.

It is not yet clear why they visited him but some political analysts argue that they went to repair broken relations after Uhuru handed over power to President William Ruto.

Uhuru supported Azimio Candidate Raila Odinga who called out both the UK and US ambassadors for supporting electoral malpractice in the country.

Raila’s sentiments ignited debate with a section of Kenya Kwanza legislators calling for the censure of the former Prime Minister.

However, the latest meetings are projected to build trust, especially among the opposition leaders with both the UK and US envoys in the country.



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