Martha Karua Leaves UDA Members Disappointed With Short And Simple Statements


Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua has dispelled claims that she will be attendingĀ  UDA’s National Delegates Conference.

According to information doing rounds on social media, it is alleged that Karua will be attending the NDC that has been scheduled for Tuesday March 15, where she will be unveiled as DP William Ruto’s running mate as the second in command will be endorsed as the party’s presidential candidate.

Speaking to the press on Monday, Some of DP Ruto’s allies said that the Narc Kenya leader will be attending the event as well as officials from Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

ā€œUDA delegatesā€™ conference will bring all the leaders together including Martha Karua, Mwangi Kiunjuri, Kuria and Kabogo among others,ā€ UDA legal secretary Edward MuriuĀ  told the press while Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki said, ā€œWe expect other guests including Martha Karua but we will not tell their names right now.”

In a series of Tweets, the Kirinyaga county gubernatorial aspirant said that the information was not true, while calling out on media houses that spread the false information.

“@citizentvkenyastop sensational reporting and tell viewers the truth that I am not attending @UDAPartyNDC,” she said.



RELATED STORY:Here Is What Martha Karua Was Doing As Kalonzo Was Busy Shouting Raila Tosha In Jacaranda


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