“I’ve Never Received Such Avalanche Of M-Pesa Since I Was Born” ODM MP Caleb Amisi Overwhelmed With Money Sent To Him


Vocal ODM MP Caleb Amisi was compelled to publicly share his M-Pesa messages after ordinary Kenyans surprised him with money galore.

Amisi turned a year older days ago and when he announced that he was celebrating his birthday Kenyans decided to surprise him with M-Pesa contributions.

Ordinary citizens send Amisi money to his M-Pesa account to his surprise, he didn’t even solicit for the birthday contributions.

The firebrand Saboti MP was overwhelmed by numerous M-Pesa messages that have filled his phone on his birthday.

Amisi took to social media and shared screenshots of his M-Pesa messages to show how generous Kenyans contributed for him on his birthday.

The messages show most people were sending him Ksh50 bob and Ksh100 bob but the contributions were so many.

He admitted that ever since he was born he had never seen such an avalanche of M-Pesa messages notifying him of money received to his account.

“I have never received such avalanche of mpesa messages since I was born.The youths of matisi in saboti constituency decided not only to call me early morning reminding it’s my birthday but also sent mpesa one youth after another.Asante sana vijana power #happybirthdaykijanapower,” Amisi tweeted.


Amisi is one of the most vocal ODM lawmakers from Western Kenya. He hosted his party leader Raila Odinga in Trans Nzoia county when the former Prime Minister pulled massive crowds during his rally.

Related: Saboti MP Caleb Amisi Urges Nyanza People To Officially Handover Opposition Roles To William Ruto


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