Sunday Church Drama: Anglican Archbishop Blocks Raila, Mudavadi, Wetangula From Pulpit As Bishop Turere Opens Pulpit To Ruto


Ruto received a warm reception in Langata church as Anglican Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit blocked Raila, Mudavadi, Wetangula from speaking at a church function in Butere.

The Butere church function was particularly interesting as the Anglican archbishop stated that he would not allow any political comments during the church service.

The decree by Ole Sapit prompted Mudavadi and Wetangula to walk out of the event. They were disappointed that they would not be given a chance to talk.

Far away in Nairobi, Bishop Moses Turere of The Global Cathedral church in Langata had no reservations in welcoming politicians to the pulpit.

Addressing faithful during the church service, William Ruto pledged to buy land for the church in 2023.

The deputy president further said he will personally invite Bishop Turere to State House in 2023 if he emerges victorious in the presidential race to give him the good news that the land has been bought for the church.

After Ruto’s speech, Bishop Turere said he had to pray for the DP to win in next year’s election for the church to get the land.

“I did not plan to come back here, but you’ve talked about land and State House. Can we pray for that,” said the Bishop.

Adding that;

“We have a covenant and these are the things we have talked about. I told him the game is very simple, if he doesn’t become the president then we don’t get a land. But if God helps him and he becomes president then we get a land for the church, the game is that simple.”

The Bishop noted that he was not campaigning for Ruto in church as he summoned the DP and his team to the pulpit for prayers.

“I am not trying to do any campaign in church but we will do that when we have the right channel,” Bishop Turere said.

Related: Clever Raila Outsmarts Anglican Bishop Ole Sapit After He Is Blocked From Speaking at Butere Church Function


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