How A Kirinyaga Woman Lost 200K to Fraudsters In 3 Minutes


A woman in Kirinyaga was left puzzled after she lost a whopping 200,000 Kenya shillings to strangers in a record of 3 minutes.

Jane Miano become a victim after she requested for a lift from a private car on her way to Makutano market. The market is 5 kilometers away from Ngurubani trading center where the woman conducts her business.

Feeling delighted by her good fortune, the 45 year old Jane quickly bordered the vehicle without a second thought. The driver drove towards Makutano shopping center and Jane knew that she would reach the market on time.

On boarding, she noticed that the car had two other travelers who were all women. So friendly were the occupants that Mrs Miano could not suspect anything. In fact, the driver stopped on the way and gave Jane 100 Kenya shillings to purchase a bottle of refreshment.

Jane then left her purse in the car to proceed to the market and it is then that these occupants showed their true colors. They sped off with her purse which had personal documents and 200,000 Kenya shillings leaving their victim in shock.

The woman had gone to buy bags of rice with the money before these heartless characters came in knocking. The issue was reported at the Wang’uru police station for investigations. Cases of Kenyans seeking for lift by the roadside from strangers is rampant. In many occasions, majority of them end up cursing the days they were born after landing in the wrong hands.


A similar robbery case was also reported in Kirinyaga town involving a 54 year old woman. The woman was almost conned 70,000 by three fraudsters who posed as Airtel Kenya employees. The three were unlucky after the woman caused drama leading to their arrest.


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