3 Mt. Kenya Governors Are Yet To Endorse Raila Odinga’s Presidential Candidature


Seven out of ten governors from Mt. Kenya have declared support for Raila Odinga’s presidential bid in the 2022 general elections.

The remaining three, namely Anne Waiguru of Kirinyaga, her Nyeri counterpart Mutahi Kahiga and Murang’as Mwangi Wa Iria are yet to make their stand.

Raila has been on a week long tour in the region which concluded on Thursday October 21 whereby he drummed support for his political agendas.

On Thursday, the former prime minister toured Kiambu County where he was warmly welcomed by governor James Nyoro and his predecessor William Kabogo.

“I know Raila Odinga respects multiparty, those who want us to join their parties so that they can do what they are used to, it is not possible this round,” Kabogo said.

“We have come here to say that Raila will be the fifth president of the republic of Kenya,” governor Nyoro said on his side.

The ODM leader defended his social welfare plan saying that he knows where he will get money from.

“I was the prime minister of the republic of Kenya, I know how to run the government, I know where the money will be gotten from,” Raila said.

He also donated medical equipment at Kigumo hospital worth Ksh.10 million, following a request by the locals when he had attended a birthday party he had been invited to.

“They told me they have a big problem because of lack of X-ray machines, that the sick are taken to Gatundu level 6, they asked me if I can bring them an X-ray machine and I told them I will get one,” Odinga said.

On Tuesday Raila promised the university students that he would turn Helb loans into grants when he ascends to power.

“Every child born in our country irrespective of the socioeconomic status of their parents will get equal opportunities from the nursery, primary to university education. That’s why I’m saying today when I get to power HELB will be a grant not a loan. HELB will be a grant, not a loan,” Raila told the students of Meru University of Science and Technology.

RELATED STORY: Helb Responds To Raila Odinga’s Promise To Give Students Free Loans




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