Why Raila Wants Energy And Treasury Cabinet Secretaries To Resign And Be Prosecuted


ODM leader Raila Odinga wants Energy CS  Davis Chirchir and his Treasury counterpart Njuguna Ndung’u to resign.

Speaking in a press briefing on Monday, the former prime minister said that the two government officials need to resign and prosecuted over the government to government deal that is claimed to have been signed between Kenya and Saudi Arabia as well as United Arabs Emirates.

Raila claims the deal was signed between the ministry of energy and state owned companies in the middle East. He added that the deal was kept a secret so that fuel prices can sky rocket in benefit of several government officials.

The ODM leader said that the two CSs have committed  criminal offenses that is subject to prosecution.

“CSs Davis Chirchir and Njuguna Ndung’u have gone against the constitution, committed criminal offences, and abused office. They must not only resign but also be prosecuted. Also, the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum must make public the Supplier Purchase Agreement signed with the oil companies,” he said

“They stole money from the consolidated fund in addition to spending money way above what the parliament approved. They must not only resign but also be prosecuted,” Raila added.

Over the weekend, President Ruto however responded to Raila’s dossier on the G-G oil deal with middle East companies, asking him to provide evidence for his claims.

Last week on Friday, he also said that the state does not act as a broker in the oil procurement business, but only ensures that oil transactions proceed smoothly


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