Surviving 6 Bullets: Anti-Finance Bill Protestor Frank Okoth Opens Up


Frank Okoth, who is among the many Kenyans who thronged Parliament on June 25, 2024 in protests, is lucky to be alive after being shot 6 times with bullets.

Frank survived the incident and was rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital with many believing that he was already dead.

He only got discharged from the hospital on Saturday, surviving to tell his story.

In an interview with Citizen TV, at his home in Land Mawe slums, Frank revealed that he joined the protests due to long-term unemployment.

“I have been raised by my grandma because I don’t have parents, I am an orphan,” revealing that on the fateful day, he had looked for work at the Industrial Area but he couldn’t find any.

He went back home and due to anger and frustrations, he joined his friends who were going to protest against Finance Bill in Nairobi’s CBD.

“We were many but I was among those in front and we began shouting we came in peace. They lobbed teargas at us. I was so keen about those(police) who were before us but those who shot at me, were at the side,” he recalled.

Videos of Frank in pain and almost lifeless went viral and he was declared among those who had died in the protests, with ‘RIP Frank Okoth’ messages flooding social media.

“My friend came and told me that people had already killed me out there, I told him am okay, am still alive” he said.

It however turned out that he was just unconscious and underwent several surgeries at KNH to save his life. He woke up days later.

He is currently in pain, bedridden and can not afford to cater for his hospital visits.

“Ever since I was discharged, no one is catering for me, my life is just to lie here, I can’t even turn,” he said.

His grandmother on the other hand says that Frank has a hospital bill of Kshs45,000 and she is currently soliciting funds from well wishers to clear the bill.

“So far I have only raise 500,” she revealed.

Frank however noted that he doesn’t regret anything, adding that the protests should go on until the day Kenyans will get their rights.




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