Ruto flies Kenya Airways plane after uproar on US trip


President William Ruto returned to the country onboard a Kenya Airways plane after completing his Switzerland trip.

President Ruto boarded the Kenya Airways plane which he had earlier indicated that it was costly which compelled him to seek a less costly jet for his US state visit.

The President was received in the country by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki and his Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo.

The CS was also accompanied by National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah and Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot.

Kenya Airways Authority (KAA) Chairman Caleb Kositany was also present to welcome President William Ruto.

Ruto flew out for the G7 Summit using an unidentified plane.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua who saw him off was not present to welcome him back.


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