Gospel musician Ringtone released his song, Zoea Mawe last week. The song caused a lot of controversy because it featured Azziad, a socialite who is considered to be a part of the secular world.
The song has now amassed an impressive 350k views since its release with many praising the singer for still sticking to the genre when others like Bahati and Willy Paul have veered into the secular waters.

Today, the singer left tongues wagging after he posted an interesting message on his Instagram page. In his message, he claimed that a government official had approached him with the intent of using the song Zoea Mawe.
The thing that really got people going was he alleged that the official had promised to pay him Sh. 5 million to use the song. The clip is below:
ibrahim.masha Refuse tu iyo pesa ya shetani???
finesse_ngara_ Borake ngoma isikizwe na message ifikie watu
wycliffemata Unbelievable
kondebwoyyassin Wah when the deal is Soo good bro think twice vibe✌️
mercyrachel6 Take it baby….na usinasahau mimi loyal fan?
damnitstino I don’t give advice for free.. Lakini juu ni wewe.. Utanilipa after corona?.. Usichukue doo… Something big is coming.. Worth more than io 5M… Usichukue 5m u regret akiingiza 20M…ni dm mpesw number ama?

perry.love.7165 ?????utakuja niuwa
presures7 Listen to what God will direct you to do since he God is the one that perfect your ways and make your plan come to pass, having known God Bible say God told Moses to tell children of God to choose what is wright ,so please choose what is wright thanks
simpli_sly Kumbe unajua kizungu hua unatuchezea akili??chukua pesa
madelinebeiby Take 5 million then unigawie tew 10k???
memskilot 5million ni kidogo. Aongeze
deceenboy ??as long as ur has no bad content jus take the Cash na uendelee kushukuru mola
ann.wanjiku.3720 don’t take those small cash ….wewe ni billionaire bana ???
nitinreus tuchukue hii pesa,na tusirukane
kiokojosey Money talks
claris_maina Ebu chukua pesaaa gagaga mita tano man I swear hii dunia si same?? si akuje aniulize mm
ri_ta9868 Chukua pesa hata yesu aliuzwa
claris_maina ????chukua pesaa mm navile nimesota waah
kantai_254 Ni lazima utuambie
carolynmwendejames Zoea kupewa doo
esirmorgan Need a bodyguard ???? Chukua and give me a job.