Renown Hackers Anonymous Warn Ruto, MPs Over Finance Bill


Anonymous, a renown hacking group and activists has taken to X with a tough message for President William Ruto and the parliament of Kenya, regarding the Finance Bill 2024.

In a video statement, the group said that there will be consequences if the citizens cries are not heeded by the government and parliament on the matter.

“Greetings, Citizens of the world. This is a warning message to William Ruto, the Kenyan Government, and all members of parliament from Anonymous. It has come to our attention that there are discussions in parliament to pass the Finance Bill, which will unfairly tax the citizens of Kenya,” Anonymous said.

“Kenyan citizens attempting peaceful demonstrations are being unfairly harassed, arrested, and shot at with live bullets by the police force under your command.”

The hackers said that now that MPs numbers have been publicized, there secrets will be exposed if they fail to heed the warning.

“Soon, there will be an uprising of hackers, many of whom may reside in your home country. Your secrets may no longer be safe, and there is a chance that allow these secrets will be exposed to show how corrupt and unjust members of this parliament are, embezzling public funds for personal gain,” they said.

“On Thursday, the 20th of June, Kenyans will march and #OccupyParliament. We do not want you to amend the Finance Bill; we want you to reject it.”

“Listen to the cries of your citizens, or the people of the world will resist you every step of the way. Citizens of Kenya, do not worry, Tuko Pamoja! We are Anonymous, We are Legion, Expect us!” They further said.

Anonymous are known for cyber attacks and hacking on corrupt governments and organization.

Those that have been previously been affected by their attack include CIA, Sony, Pay Pal among others.



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