Raila On Vows To Give Government Headache On New ID Charges


ODM leader Raila Odinga has weighed in on the ongoing debate on the new charges that were introduced on Identity Cards as well as passports by the government.

Speaking in Westlands during a meeting with the clergy, Raila vowed to continue opposing the charges, saying that a document such as an ID should be issued free of charge.

“We will fight on the ID issue. Every Kenyan should get an ID card, as it is the one that shows you are a Kenyan. So someone wants you to buy it. We will demand that every Kenyan is given an ID card even if they do not have money,” he said.

Raila’s comment comes at a time when the government revised the charges after an uproar from Kenyans.

The government revoked a gazette notice, dated November 7, 2023, that stated IDs would be replaced at Kshs2,000 while new registrations will cost kshs1,000.

In the new gazette notice, first time ID applicants will be charged Kshs300 while lost IDs will be replaced at a cost of Kshs1,000.

A 50-page ordinary passport will also cost applicants Ksh.9,500 from the existing Ksh.6,000 while the application fee for a 66-page ordinary passport will rise by Ksh.5,000 to cost Ksh.12,500.

New birth certificate applications will cost Ksh.200 from Ksh.50. Application fees for death certificates have also quadrupled to Ksh.200.

The charges takes effect from January 1, 2024.

Meanwhile, the high court blocked the implementation of the new charges until a petition filed on the matter is heard and determined.


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