President Ruto Responds To Claims Of Being Notorious At Lying


President William Ruto held a joint conversation with leading media houses in the country, to respond to questions from Kenyans after two weeks of intense protests against the Finance Bill, that led to several brutal deaths, injuries and destruction of property.

One the questions that he received from Royal Media’s Linus Kaikai was whether he was aware that Kenyans don’t associate him with the truth and that they don’t trust him.

Defending himself, Ruto said, “That is your own assessment because you have never associated the truth with me from the beginning.”

The other journalists however chipped saying that they had conducted an assessment through their platforms.

“We asked them what question should we ask the president and many of them were saying  when will he stop lying,” Standard Media’s Eric Latiff noted with the support of NTV’s Joe Ageyo.

Responding to the question, the head of state pointed out some of the things that he had promised the country and were currently under way, saying that fact can never be changed.

“Let me say the following, I told the people of Kenya that I would reduce the prices of fertilizers from 7,000 to 2,500, I don’t know how that is a lie, they  still buy the fertilizer. I told the people of Kenya we are going to have a housing programme, the housing programme is underway in Kenyan. I can tell you Linus that whether you believe or not, facts will not change. Facts are not changed,” President Ruto said.

At the same time, the president said that his biggest regret on Finance Bill issue and how things turned out  is failing to communicate better.

“The finance bill says we shouldn’t be importing potatoes, onions or eggs from Europe. The biggest challenge that I regret is we didn’t communicate better, maybe we failed in explaining to Kenyans what the finance bill was all about. If I am given a chance to explain to Kenyans what was in the finance bill and what the finance bill would have done for this country, every Kenyan would have agreed with me,” he said.


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