Police Harass Journalists Covering ‘Occupy Parliament’ Protests


Several journalists found themselves on the spot with law enforcement officers on Tuesday in Nairobi’s CBD.

The police picked on the journalists who were covering the occupy parliament protests, aimed at opposing the Finance Bill 2024.

Some of those who are affected are from Nation Media Group.

The group was told to disperse, with the police not giving them chance to explain themselves.

The police went on to arrest one of them who was donning a black t-shirt.

“Hakuna press hapa. Toka hapa,” one of the officers said.

“We don’t want crowding here. We will end up chasing you, and we don’t another officer said.

The journalists were however concerned about their colleague who was arrested uet he had a press card.

“One of us has been arrested. He is not violent,” they protested.


Police engaged in battles with protestors opposing the finance bill, leading to several arrests.

The Law Society of Kenya has however condemned the police for acting violently towards the protestors.

In a statement, LSK has demanded Nairobi County police boss Adamson Bungei to direct his officers to withdraw from harassing and acting violently towards protestors.

“We urge you to reconsider your positioning noting that your actions which will be essentially unlawful, may result in violence against innocent citizens by the police and which actions may result in violent attacks and injuries that can be avoided,” LSK stated.


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