Owners Narrate Losing Toyota Axio & Fielder Cars at Nairobi Estates


Several motorists on Wednesday, September 27 narrated how they lost their cars from their parking lots.

Speaking to Citizen TV, a motorist stated that he lost his car last Sunday. CCTV footage obtained by the owner showed his Toyota Axio model, registration number KDD 969T being driven away by an unknown person(s).

He raised the alarm when he woke up to find his car gone; he had parked it right outside his apartment at 11 pm on Saturday.

A different CCTV camera on a neighbouring building captures the vehicle being driven at high speed at 6:32 am, two minutes after it was captured leaving the parking lot, before joining a road heading to the Chokaa area of Kayole.

That was the last time it was seen; the tracking device installed had been disabled.

The vehicle was not recovered.

Another motorist also lost his Toyota Fielder in a similar way. He had parked outside his residential apartment in Donholm.

It mysteriously disappeared in March and never found it to date.

Following the spike in car theft, residents asked law enforcement officers to launch a crackdown targeting the scheme.

According to other victims, the Mazda model is also among the cars targeted by individuals in the syndicate.

They thus implored the Ministry of Interior led by CS Kithure Kindiki to act to avert the rising cases of car theft.


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