Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba Suspended For 6 Months By Senate After Majority Vote


In the Kenyan Senate, Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba has been suspended for a period of six months. The Senate’s decision to suspend Senator Orwoba came after the house adopted recommendations put forth by the Powers and Privileges Committee, which is chaired by Senate Speaker Amason Kingi.

The suspension stems from serious allegations made against Senator Orwoba, particularly her assertion of unverified claims of s3xual favors within parliamentary circles. In addition to these allegations, she was accused of publicly asserting that discrimination was prevalent within the parliament, using various messages posted on the Senate Business WhatsApp group.

The Senate’s decision to suspend Senator Orwoba was reached through a majority vote, and this move could potentially have far-reaching consequences for her, including the forfeiture of significant perks and personal benefits as a Senator.

The suspension is set to last until February of the following year when Senator Orwoba will be required to appear before the Senate and issue an apology before being readmitted.

As a result of this suspension, Senator Orwoba will face several restrictions, including being prohibited from accessing the precincts of parliament throughout the duration of her suspension. She will not be allowed to participate in Senate plenary sessions or committee meetings, resulting in a loss of sitting allowances.

The Powers and Privileges Committee, chaired by Speaker Amason Kingi, presented a report in which they highlighted Senator Orwoba’s refusal to participate in the inquiry despite being given an opportunity to defend her claims. This refusal raised serious concerns regarding the seriousness of the allegations she had made.

The report stated, “Senator Gloria Orwoba was given an opportunity to be heard by the Powers and Privileges Committee, but the Senator declined to participate in the inquiry; therefore, the committee could not substantiate the claims she made.”

The suspension of Senator Orwoba shows the seriousness with which allegations of this nature will be taken within the Kenyan parliamentary system.

It also serves as a reminder of the responsibility that lawmakers bear in making public statements and the need for due diligence and substantiation when addressing sensitive issues within the legislature.

READ ALSO:Moses Kuria Apologizes To Kenyans Over Harsh Remarks On Fuel Prices


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