Moses Kuria Turns Down CS Linturi Request on Multi-Million Project


Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria turned down a request from his Agriculture counterpart Mithika Linturi to launch the County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP) in Meru on Monday, October 2.

In a statement, CS Kuria admitted that Agriculture CS had requested him to postpone the launch due to the political heat in Meru County.

However, Kuria turned down the request insisting that the multi-million project was key to unlocking investments in Meru and creating employment opportunities.

“I have received requests from my colleague Mithika Linturi and the Meru Leadership to postpone due to the prevailing political situation in Meru. With profound respect, I will not postpone. The joblessness and poverty facing our people can not wait for even one hour as we fix our broken politics,” Kuria stated.

Mithika Linturi with William Ruto in the past
DP Ruto with Meru Senator Mithika Linturi

While dismissing the request, Kuria insisted that his previous launches had also encountered such threats but ended up successful.

“I have launched County Aggregation and Industrial Parks in Busia, Kakamega, Bumgoma, Trans Nzoia, Migori, Siaya, Kisii, Nyamira, Mombasa, Kajiado, Narok and Laikipia Counties. There were a few issues in almost all these counties but the leaders put them aside because this is something of importance to our counties,” Kuria added.

He however urged Meru leaders to iron out their political differences.

Currently, Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza is staring at another impeachment motion from MCAs.

Despite the calls for impeachment, Mwangaza stood her ground daring the MCAs to bring it on.

“It is not our agenda to see chaos, to see drama or shenanigans in the county so we have decided to withdraw the support within and outside the assembly that we had given the governor,” Meru County Assembly Majority Leader Evans Mawira stated.

“We have already appended our signatures from the 27 of us who form or comprise the Kenya Kwanza caucus in the county assembly in preparation for a fresh impeachment motion after the one that we had last year was thwarted in the senate,” he added.

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza addressing the county in a past function. Photo/NMG.


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