“Listening To The People Is Not A Choice” Uhuru Kenyatta Breaks Silence


The immediate former president Uhuru Kenyatta has broken silence on the ongoing protests against the Finance Bill 2024, after the invasion in parliament that occurred on Tuesday June 25.

In a statement, Uhuru said that he was saddened by the loss of lives of Kenyans who were exercising their rights as per the 2010 constitution..

He however noted that it was the duty of leaders to listen to the people they lead.

“At this trying times of our country, I want to remind all leaders that they were elected by the people. Listening to the people is not a choice, but a mandate enshrined in the principles of our constitution and in the very basis and philosophy of democracy,” the former president said.

He added that, ” Leaders must know that the power and authority they have is donated to them by the people.”

Uhuru went on to advocate for calmness, urging the leaders to do the right thing, which is listening to the people, instead of being antagonistic to them.

“Violence on either side is not the answer. As your former president, I felt the weight of leading Kenya. I therefore pray for wisdom and civility to be established and for peace and progess to belong to us all the children of Kenya,” he added

The former president is however facing criticism for breaking silence on the issue.

According to Mutahi Ngunyi, a renown political analyst, Uhuru should borrow from his predecessors.

“When Kibaki faced a CRISIS, did Moi issue statements? NO! When Uhuru FOUGHT with Raila did Kibaki get involved? ZERO. Why is Uhuru all over Ruto? Why DEMEAN Ruto when in CRISIS? Uhuru should BAGGER OFF! Unless he is the one FINANCING the UPRISING. This is the PROBLEM people!!” Ngunyi said.


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