“Let’s Not Get Tired” Sudi Drums Support For Ruto Amid Finance Bill, Hiked Taxes


It is only a matter of months before the difficult times Kenyans are going through come to an end.

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, Sudi urged Kenyans to support President William Ruto’s economic recovery plans, although some were harsh, but had long-term gains for the people.

“We are already 75 per cent successful and by the end of this year, things will be different,” Sudi said.

He was speaking in Eldoret along with Turbo MP Janet Sitienei and nominated MP Joseph Wainaina.

“Let us not get tired but continue to stand with our President because his vision for this country is working already. In a few more months, the country’s economy will be very stable,” he added.

The  lawmaker further called out leaders calling for tribal politics.

“Kikuyus should stop this thing of calling themselves Mt Kenya groups yet they are national and found in all corners of the country,” Sudi said, urging MPs to stop focusing on politics and instead concentrate on development agenda.

On the other hand,  Wainaina maintained that they will be passing the Finance Bill once it is brought into the parliament. According to him, the Bill is beneficial to Kenyans as it seeks to raise more money that will see Kenyans get quality services.

“We will pass the Finance Bill in Parliament because we know it has provisions that will benefit Kenyans. We should look at the positives in the bill which are more, and also consider the long-term gains for our country,” the MP said.

Sitienei echoed her colleague’s sentiments saying that the head of state was keen on ensuring that ordinary Kenyans access better services.

“When we look at sectors like agriculture, we note that already, measures like distribution of subsidised fertiliser are paying off, with increased food production in all parts of the country,” the MP said


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