Kimeniramba! Jalang’o Becomes A Motivational Speaker After Being Expelled By ODM


Jalang’o says, “Kimeniramba mpaka nimekuwa motivational speaker” after ODM Party kicked him out.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has expelled five of its Members of Parliament, including the vibrant Langata Member of Parliament, Hon. Phelix Odiwuor, popularly known as Jalang’o. The party’s decision to crack the whip on defectors has sent shock waves through the political landscape. Langata MP Jalang’o, a former Milele FM and Kiss 100 FM radio presenter, took to social media to respond to his expulsion letter with resilience and a scripture.

In a post on his social media account, Jalang’o shared a powerful image of a box he carried during a past court appearance when the Azimio La Umoja alliance was contesting the 2022 general election results. The use of the image most likely to served as a reminder of his unwavering commitment to his political beliefs.

Accompanying the photo was a scripture from Corinthians 10:13, which read, “No trial is too heavy to lift! No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

In a separate comment, he humorously commented, “Kimeniramba mpaka nimekuwa motivational speaker,” signaling his readiness to navigate this new chapter in his political journey. Netizens have been calling him a one term MP since that day he decided to work with President Ruto.

jalang'o responds after ODM Party

The party has directed that the expelled members be removed from the ODM register, effectively severing their ties with the party. This decision has raised questions about the future political paths of these MPs and the broader implications for Kenya’s political landscape.

During the same press briefing, ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna revealed that two other MPs, Mark Nyamita (Uriri) and Paul Abuor (Rongo), had narrowly escaped expulsion.

Instead, they were required to offer an apology to the party and pay a hefty fine of Ksh 1 million each. Their willingness to address the issues raised by the party’s disciplinary committee played a pivotal role in their lenient punishment.

jalas out of odm

As the dust settles on this wave of expulsions and disciplinary actions within the ODM party, it remains to be seen how Jalang’o and his fellow expelled MPs will navigate the complex world of Kenyan politics.
READ ALSO:ODM Party Announces Grassroots Elections After Expelling 5 MPs


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