Kenyans will now pay Ksh2,000 to replace national identity cards according to new charges announced by the Ministry of Interior on Wednesday November 8.
At the same time, Kenyans seeking to acquire new IDs will be required to pay Ksh1,000.
“It is notified that pursuant to Regulation 60 of the Public Finance Management (National Government) Regulations, 2015, the Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury and Economic Planning has granted the Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary the authority for the State Department for Immigration and Citizen Services to revise charges and levies on its services, ” the notice read in part.

Citizens were previously charged Ksh100 only to apply for a duplicate ID and no charges for registration of a new ID.
At the same time, Kenyans will pay Ksh1,000 to change particulars in their IDs.
The changes come at a time when the government is at an advanced stage of unveiling digital IDs.
Newborns are first expected to receive the IDs during it’s first rollout phase.
However, it’s rollout has received criticisms with a section of Kenyans raising concerns.
They also questioned the involvement of Billionaire Bill Gates in the project.