Fresh Details Emerge On The Last Moments Before IEBC Official Daniel Musyoka Went Missing


The police have intensified a search for an IEBC official who went missing moments before he announced the results of the winners of theĀ  parliamentary and MCA seats at theĀ  East African School of Aviation tallying center.

The Official identified as Daniel Musoka, 53, served as the Returning Officer of Embakasi East constituency.

A local daily reports that police have recovered CCTV footage showing moments before he disappeared.

According to the police, the CCTV footage shows Musyoka walking from the tallying center to a nearby bus station. From the footage, police conclude that he did not appear distressed and did not make any calls as reported.

He was also not being trailed by any individual or car that could have led to his disappearance.

The IEBC official went missing on Thursday August 11. While making the announcement on the missing official, IEBC chairman Wafula said that Musyoka had excused himself to receive a call but did not return to the tallying center.

His disappearance has left his family in devastation. His wife Tabitha said that they are hoping that he will be found alive and safe.

“When we talked, he did not sound disturbed, he was in high spirits and did not complain about anything. The day he disappeared, I tried calling him but he did not answer. I was later told by his cousin, who lives in Utawala, that he was missing,” she said in an interview.

On the other hand his daughter, identified as Periwinkle on twitter, said that they have searched for him in all the possible places without success.

“Day 4:We are worried and filled with uncertainty. No solid updates from the authorities Family and friends have searched hospitals and morgues around the city, nothing. Please help us find my father @NPSOfficial_KE @DCI_Kenya @Missingpersonke @IEBCKenya,” she said in a twitter.

The official has been serving in IEBC for the past 13 years. He was only posted to Embakasi on May this year after serving in Loitoktok.

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